LSHTM is committed to providing an inclusive education, research and working environment free from bullying and harassment, ensuring all staff and students are treated and treat others with respect, consideration, courtesy and dignity at all times. ​​ 
Within LSHTM, our staff and student surveys and feedback have indicated that we have more to do in this area through improving our reporting mechanisms, raising awareness (for example of microaggressions and bystander interventions) and importantly in increasing staff and student’s confidence in reporting issues of bullying and harassment, including racial and sexual harassment.

Report and Support is an online tool, developed by Culture Shift where staff, students and others can report issues relating to bullying and harassment anonymously or via an advisor and also provides information about internal and external support, policies and procedures. On launching the tool, we committed to complete termly and annual analysis of reports for EDI committee, Senate and Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee of Council and to be made available on the Report and Support tool under Support / Policies and Guidance.

These reports provide an update on Report and Support, launched in September 2020, and associated work.
Report and Support report 2021_22 AY Sept 2022.pdf 629.46 KB
Report and Support annual report 2020_21 academic year.pdf 644.11 KB

There are two ways you can tell us what happened